Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

I just want to send out a very Merry Christmas to all. I wish you all health, happiness and prosperity for the coming year.
I am very grateful to be able to get home today and spend Christmas with my hubby and my daughter Lora today. We have had so very much snow here, about three feet in the past week so travelling has been a nightmare. I went to work two days ago and just got home today. A little break in the snow fall allowed other workers to get to work and me to get home today. I am so grateful.
I am grateful Lora made it to our place as well in one piece. I worried about her the whole time she was out on the road. At least I have four wheel drive and a bigger car. Her little Honda isn't much protection.
Christmas was very low key this year. We did not draw names with the family but rather just bought a small gift for every person we chose to. I do that every year but taking the names away somehow made it easier.
I have three days off and the weather is supposed to take a turn to the warmer and hopefully will melt this snow and bring back the green.
Have a great Christmas everyone!!!

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