Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Baking causes Smoke alarms to ring!!

No pictures today. I could never show the burnt offerings that we cooked up today.
At work we all decided it was time to get a jump on Christmas baking. So we all love our Crack, homemade butter candy, so decided to make that.
Well problem one was no one from last year had written down the recipe so we were going on my memory which was not too good apparently. We got the butter melting, stirred in the brown sugar and boiled it for the three minutes then poured it over the crackers and shoved it in the oven for the five minutes. Well, it looked burned but we attributed it to the dark brown sugar we were using. Something must of been wrong with our noses too because really it smelled slightly singed. Into the oven it went and about four minutes later a bunch of smoke came wafting out of the stove burners and irritated the smoke alarms to no end!! The Crack came out of the oven and we sprinkled some nuts and chocolate chips over top, let it cool completely and then got brave and tasted it.
Well, it looked good with all the gooey chocolate and nuts on it but one mouthful went in and one mouthful came out really fast. The whole thing went sailing into the nearest garbage and all of us very dissapointed staff and client's licked our wounds and vowed to try again another day.
With the recipe of course.

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