Saturday, November 8, 2008

Today's Flowers

I went to an Art Show in our local Nursery yesterday and took a lot of pictures of flowers there. I only took a few pictures on the sly of some of the paintings there and in the end got tagged for taking pictures there without permission. Ooopps!!
Anyways I got quite a few good flower pictures, here are a few of them:
This is Evergreen Clematis. It has a wonderful scent, like a little whiff of heaven on earth. These are Crysanthumums.

I am not sure what this is but if you look closely at the stamen in the middle you can see a drop of water. Must of taken a hundred of just that but could not hold still long enough it seems to get a good one of the water droplet. The flower is okay though.

A winter Pansy. I love the faces on pansies!!
Check out the other entries to Today's Flowers as well. Looking at flowers when it is miserable outside brings spring indoors.


  1. I have always loved the faces on pansies. They were my favorite flowers when I was little. Nice shots of all these pretties. Have a good week...

  2. Hi msdewberry
    Exuberantly beautiful. a sequence precious. we appreciate your participation.
    Denise, Pupo & Santilli - Team TF

  3. Beautiful. I would still be at the flower show.

  4. Dew: Those are beautiful flower captures on the sleigh.

  5. My favorite is the mum. Such a beautiful color!

  6. Lovely series of photos. Thank you for the blog comments I have enough tulip pics to proably take us through the winter posts. LOL!

  7. Pretty pictures. I am sorry you got in trouble.

  8. Wow! Stunning photos! I could stare them all day long.


  9. I would love a scented evergreen Clematis but have never heard of one available in Australia.
    Your unidentified flower could possibly be a Cleome, but without seeing the whole plant, I cannot say with any certainty.
    Beautiful set of photos.

  10. Really beautiful posting!!!
    Pretty flowers and pretty colors!!!
    Congratulations!!! Have a nice week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Very lovely flower photos. Thanks for sharing. I have not seen an evergreen clematis before. I have an Autumn Clematis which has blossoms that smell like honey; I love it when it blooms outside my window.

  12. Beautiful - a nice break from the weather outside!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!