Sunday, November 2, 2008

Today's Flowers

These are the last of hanging baskets in a little town called Fort Langley we visited a couple weekends ago. The yellow of the flowers looks like sunshine, something we are sadly lacking in these days.
These were border flowers planted along the walkways of the town. I think today they would be drowning. Its raining like cats and dogs out there.
Be sure to click on the Today's Flowers badge and go and see other flowers from around the world.


  1. Flowers do bring sunshine into a place. Lovely shots.


  2. I love that second flower! Soo beautiful!~

    Mine is up too, HERE. If you get a chance;) Happy TF!~

  3. Lovely! It'll be a pity if they're washed out by the rain though.
    Have a good week ahead!

  4. Glad you snapped them before they drowned.

  5. you're right a little bit of sunshine to brighten a dreary day.

    Gill in Canada


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