Friday, November 21, 2008

Skywatch Friday

This was a beautiful sunny day and lots of reflections in the river. I was trying to catch the reflections and the sky and also the diffferent angles of the mountains combined with those reflections.
There was quite a bit of driftwood in the water as well and that also threw some interesting reflections into the pictures.

To view skies from different contributors around the globe, please visit
I still have to figure out how to link the Skywatch site to my blog. I am not to computer savvy so I am slow at figuring this out!!
Hope you enjoy the pictures.


  1. Those are excellent reflection shots. I am missing Autumn already. It happened and ended so quickly here in Bellingham, WA.

  2. Beautiful reflections! Great photography! Here in my world Autumn has ended also.

  3. Very beautiful Skywatch reflections!
    Cheers, Klaus

  4. Great shots. Love the reflections. Wonderfully composed images, Dew. Nicely done!

  5. I love your shots, great colors, reflection...everything. Happy swf

  6. I think the last photo is simply breathtaking!
    Thank you for sharing!

  7. I'm sorry I missed these on Friday. These are beautiful!

  8. Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment on my SkyWatch photo. I enjoyed seeing your pics. The reflections were beautiful!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!