Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Mark!!

Meet my miracle brother Mark. Nov. 25 he turns 52 years old and that is a big miracle. Two summers ago he suffered a sudden Cardiac Failure and is estimated to have been dead for 17 minutes. He spent five days on life support in Intensive Care before coming out of his coma. Today he has a pacemaker to keep his heart regular and he enjoys his life to the fullest. Lots about Mark is special. 52 years ago at his birth the whole thing happened way too fast and as a result he did not get enough oxygen and suffered brain damage. He acquired Epilepsy as well from that but has not let it stop him. He would be the first to be up front about his handicap and tell you he isn't as smart as everyone else or he can't do the things other people can do. At times he has been down about that, maybe a little jealous is the better word.
I sure don't see his handicap. He has qualities about him I can only hope to aspire to. What he lacks in some certain abilities he has trained himself in others. No one I know knows more about the state of the world than he does. He listens to the news every day and follows stories and could tell you a thing or two!!
He has never been able to read, can only print letters and numbers, but he does not believe it is something he is not able to do, just something that he has not found the right teacher for. He has actively sought the right program, the right teacher, the right class that could unlock the key to him being able to learn reading. He has done that for the better part of the past 40 years. Now I do not posess that kind of perserverance. I do not possess that kind of patience and determination. I don't possess that kind of faith. He is a genius when it comes to this. And I am totally and completely handicapped. I would of given up a long time ago but he just keeps on trucking. I so admire this in my miracle brother.
My brother I am sure knows just about everyone in his home city. I travelled the buses with him and the sheer number of people he knows and greets is amazing. Everyone knows Mark. He touches everyone in very special ways.
So to my miracle brother, I want to wish a very Happy Birthday. I want to wish him many more to come. He deserves the best.


  1. I enjoyed reading about Mark. I have been a special education paraeducator in a high school for 5 years. I enjoy my job, and wonder how some of the students will do as they get older. I see some of the recent graduates out and about, working in grocery stores, or at garage sales and the like, and hope to continue to throughout the years.

    I hope Mark had a happy birthday!

  2. I too work with Special Needs. Mark kind of pointed me in this direction many years ago. I manage a residential group home for four severely mentally and physically challenged adults. My brother is higher functioning for sure but he started my passion for what I do. Him and his friends enrich a lot of lives. I love them all!!

  3. My Uncle is the most inspiring uncle.. he is soo full of life and everyday is a new experience..I miss him everyday living so far away.. I look forward to his phone calls about random stuff he likes to talk about.. and travelling around with him .. I wish my uncle the best day and Happy birthday !!!


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