Saturday, August 16, 2008

Warm Summer Night in the Gardens.

My neighbour and I were invited to her sister's house last night to see the gardens and have some wine. Her sister, Sherri has one acre property right on the river with a beautiful garden in the back that borders farmer's corn fields. The night was warm and the sky partly cloudy and as the first picture shows it was an awesome sunset. The rays of light and the silver linings were great.
We sat in Adarondac chairs in front of the pond and had snacks and wine and visited.
The pond is stocked with Koi fish as well. They used to have problems with the herons coming by and helping themselves to the fish. You can see a few fish in the water above.
I do have a lot more pictures but I am just getting the hang of uploading pictures and this is my second attempt at it for this post. I am still trying to figure out how to get them in the right order!! I'll post more later on.

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