Monday, August 25, 2008

Tunnels that look like Cathedrals

Yesterday we went for a Day hike to Othello Tunnels just north of Hope. These tunnels were created at the turn of the century by the Canadian Pacific Railway and used to contain railbeds for the trains. These tunnels are located on the side of the mountain and through the mountain as well. It was quite an engineering marvel in its day. Another view of the tunnels where you can see through one into and down the other tunnels.
If you stand in the end of one tunnel and look down you can almost see to the end of the other tunnels. I love the ceiling on the above tunnel. It almost has a cathedral look to it.
There are lots of good photo opportunities here if you are avid about taking pictures.

Our stray is gone today as well. Social Services actually moved for her and got her into a temporary grouphome for now. She is on the list for independant living as soon as that can be arranged. We also got her registered for school in September. She will be able to attend that while she is on independant living.
It's the first time in all our dealings with Social services they have actually come through in a timely manner. Maybe miracles do happen!!

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