Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Hairy Children.

This is Minnie. She is 11 years old. She was supposed to be my cat when I got her but she took one look at my Hubby and that was it. She is totally his, just puts up with me as a source of food for her!!
This is Speed. So named because from day one he has acted like he was on the drug. He is an insane cat. Speeds here, Speeds there. The first time we saw him at my friend's house, he was being held in the mouth of thier Black Lab. All you could see were white feet and legs sticking out trying for all they were worth to take out some of the flesh on that dog's face. The cat had spunk!
We brought him home that night and since then I have been his human. He is nine years old now.
Both of the cats are strictly indoor cats. Minnie won't go near an open door. The big outdoor world is too much for her. Speed will make a break for outside every chance he gets. We have to be careful about him sneaking out a door.

1 comment:

  1. I was enjoying the photos of the animals,funny how we spoil them isn't it?


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