Monday, August 11, 2008

Martini Party Night.

Now I know that this is probably one of the worst pictures I have taken in a while but it was also about the fifth Martini of the night I imbibed in before taking this horrible picture.
This party was on Saturday night at the neighbour's place and was the first ever Martini party we have had. Usually we have wine tasting parties which are much more sedate and ladylike than this party was!! There was lots of good food, good company and good music playing and did I mention, the Martini's were flowing.
Well, its taken me until today to feel like I might live through the experience!! I forgot about hangovers, have not had one in years until Sunday and for a while I thought it was going to kill me. Guess who is never going to do that again??? Live and learn as they say.
I have learned my lesson.

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