Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sweet Sunlight

P52 with Kent Weakley
You cannot get a rainbow without a little bit of sunshine!
You cannot get a rainbow without grey skies!
A bit of sweet light and a rainbow.
Skywatch Friday


Friday, July 27, 2012

Cloudy Day fun!

Skywatch Friday

My hubby and I recently went to a Fusion Festival here in town. It was a perfect day to be out and about, even with the clouds and grey skies. The weather was warm and humid at the same time.
You can see all sorts of things at the Festival! Like these Squirrels or whatever they were!

Tall people with funny legs!

You could learn how to put a Turban on.
Or get your face painted.
There was a huge variety of different foods to eat, from different countries and cultures.
Awesome cultural music and dance to listen to and watch.

Beautiful sounding Pan flute music. This guy was really into playing it for the crowds.

Even the trees were out enjoying the festival!
Strange bib on this little guy!
Click to see the rules and to take a badge for yourself.
You can see the reflection of my hubby in this samovar.
Lots of Ukrainian memorabilia!
Good thing it wasn't cold out, these girls wandering around the grounds would of been cold!

You could watch Salsa dancing and get a free lesson too!
Bollywood banghra dancing. If you have never tryed a class for this kind of dancing, it is so much fun and very energetic.

The crowd really enjoyed watching it!
We had an awesome day at the festival. Lots to see and we got to try some different foods I had never tryed before. It was musical, and colourful to see and experience.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Project 52 - Movie Time

P52 with Kent Weakley
Well, this week's photos did not turn out in any way that I had envisioned. I had this wonderful (at least at the time!) idea to take a photo in Black/White of the one and only left standing, Outdoor Theater here in the mainland. By the time we got to Langley where the theater is located, most of the moody grey clouds had given way to brighter skies, the sun was at the worst possible angle right above and slightly behind the screen and every picture I tryed taking of the screen turned into a great big grey card. UUUGGGG....Not the best planning on my part!
My big plan was to take a picture of the screen against the sky in black and white and then insert a photo of the concession stand into the theater screen in colour. Okay so the concept has potential, but after lots of playing with photoshop and wringing my hands and pulling my hair out I am ready to admit I am not producing in a photo what my mind is seeing and dreaming!
When I was a child we had an outdoor theater just down and across the street from where we lived. As kids we would go to the fence, kick a board or two in and sneak into the back end of the theater. This was back in the time where they had standing speakers you would bring through the window of your car and hook onto the edge of the window and roll up so you could hear the sound. Nowadays they broadcast the sound on a specific radio station for you to listen to as you watch the movie. We loved the sneakiness and suspense of "breaking the rules" just to get to watch a movie. Nine times out of ten we would get discovered and chased back through the fence, but I remember that a movie was never so good as the one you had to work at seeing!
So here are my photos anyways, it was more the memory of outdoor theaters I envisioned, and here the story to go with it!

Monday, July 16, 2012

A bit Buggy here!

I think this Caterpillar might make a beautiful Butterfly one day. Colours are awesome!
Ruby Tuesday 2
This little guy actually jumped at me when I got too close with my camera. Looking through the lens at a spider jumping at you makes the bug look suddenly huge and on impulse makes you jump back quickly and almost fall over. Or at least that is what happened here!
KimKlassen Luminous texture added.

Sweet Shot Tuesday with Kent Weakley

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Summer Treats

It's hard to just pick out one or two Summer Treats to post here. Here Summer is a treat! Our summer really started last week, up until then we had a lot of rain day in and day out.
So I thought I would take you on a bit of a tour of the day we had today, the whole day a treat of experiences, music and good food!
Today we went to the Caribbean Festival, celebrating all things Caribbean. A concert just starting in the bandshell, lots of steel drums and lively tunes.
A hot day today with temps in the high 20's Celcius, the lemonade was flowing freely.
Lots of stands with Caribbean food. I don't know what these two gentlemen were scooping into the warmers, but it looked and smelled delicious!
People lined up at the various food vendors to get some food and drink. Its a real treat to buy lunch or dinner here, as this type of food is not normally something I would cook and eat at home!
I got Jerk Chicken with rice and beans and salad. It had flavour but not the heat I was going after. I guess you have to gauge the heat levels to suit all the people you will serve, and mild won.
My hubby had Goat Curry with rice and beans and salad.
After we finished lunch we started toward the next stage for a concert. I was struck by the dappled patterns of the shade along the walkway. It was a hot enough day that people coveted thier cool and shady spots.
Again, Steel Drums playing. I love the sound they make.

Visiting, dancing drinking cool drinks. Everyone was relaxed and having a good time!
Loved this little guy's curly locks and the monkeys he was content playing with!
We got Ice Cream bars from Purdy's Chocolates, dipped in Chocolate and rolled in crushed nuts and brittle. Yum!
After supper tonight we went to our local park for a Concert in the park. We are a town that likes their outdoor concerts. You can go to a concert (and we do) every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday every week throughout the whole summer. We love to take a picnic and our lawn chairs and enjoy supper outside while listening to live music in beautiful scenery. It is such a treat!
Scenic Sunday
 Others have the same idea as we do, enjoying music in the park.
So that concludes our day, and I am sure you can see that the whole day was one big Summer Treat!

P52 with Kent Weakley